Dharma Coaching Institute

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Cristina Sanchez

I help empaths who feel stuck in corporate discover their purpose, cultivate a strong and loving relationship with the self, and integrate their mind, body, and soul so they can reclaim their self, step into their purpose with clarity, and serve their unique mission with confidence. Some of the tools and modalities I use in my coaching sessions include astrology, human design, the chakra system, breathwork, the law of attraction, mind-body-soul coherence, holistic self-care practices, meditation, mindset shifting, energetic alignment, intuitive/psychic ability development, the tarot and so much more.


I help empaths who feel stuck in corporate discover their purpose, cultivate a strong and loving relationship with the self, and integrate their mind, body, and soul so they can reclaim their self, step into their purpose with clarity, and serve their unique mission with confidence.


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