Dharma Coaching Institute

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$500 Discount Expires on April 17, 2023

Lizzy Sutton

As an Intuitive Life Purpose Coach, I am here to support you in finding the truth of your soul. I am here to empower you, hold space, and amplify your light. I am here to help you adjust all areas of your life to come into alignment in order for you to live your purpose. How do I do that? By helping you …. discover & connect with your life’s purpose, awaken your child-like curiosity, learn how to make decisions in alignment with who you are and what you want, unravel the layers behind the actions you are taking, shift your mindset to support & sustain growth and transformation, develop your ability to hear and listen to your inner compass for guidance, deepen your connection with your body & breath, take aligned action to get you on the path towards your dream life, & develop tools & practices that work for you. Interested in getting to know me and how I can help you better? Check out my podcast, Flow Aligned Coaching Podcast, on all major podcasting platforms.


I work with people searching for their life’s purpose or their next iteration. I work with people who want to feel more connected to & better in their bodies. I work with entrepreneurs who are ready to start their own business.


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