Dharma Coaching Institute

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$500 Discount Expires on April 17, 2023

Rose Berry

My name is Rose Berry and I’m a Fear Coach. I help ambitious dreamers with social anxiety transform their relationship to fear so that they have the confidence to speak in public. Through my own experience with acute social phobia, I became disconnected from my purpose and lived a life that felt safe, rather than fulfilling. I avoided opportunities I desperately wanted to say ‘yes’ to because I was terrified. My life felt hopeless and I worried that I might be stuck like this forever. Through learning how to make friends with fear, I discovered what my purpose was and finding that alignment transformed my life. I understand myself better than ever before and have the experience, knowledge and tools to holsitically help others design a life that is a reflection of their truest self. If this resonates, message me and I’d love to support you!


I work with: secretly ambitious visionaries, dreamers and impact-driven souls


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