Turn Your Pain Into
Your Purpose
A 3-part docuseries on how to take any obstacles you’re facing and transmute them into your purpose
There are times when life takes you to your knees.
It knocks the wind out of you.
But, this is where you get to let your greatest challenges become your greatest teachings.
So when your world is set ablaze, you can either choose to let it burn you down or become the flame beneath your wings.
If you choose to transmute the heat like the Phoenix rising from the ashes, it will become your life’s greatest fuel for your purpose.
You’ll be guided to places your conscious mind cannot even yet comprehend.
Your pain wasn’t in vain. It’s what led to your calling.
So when your world is set ablaze, you can either choose to let it burn you down or become the flame beneath your wings.
If you choose to transmute the heat like the Phoenix rising from the ashes, it will become your life’s greatest fuel for your purpose.
You’ll be guided to places your conscious mind cannot even yet comprehend.
Your pain wasn’t in vain. It’s what led to your calling.
Turn Your Pain Into Your Purpose
VIDEO 1: The Breakdown
Join Sahara Rose and Dr. Neeta Bhushan as they share their stories and some of the biggest challenges they’ve had to face – when life put them through massive initiations that propelled them into their missions. You’ll learn how your world being flipped upside down can be the catalyst for your rising. They will show you how they’ve written best-selling books, created top-ranked podcasts and spoken on stages to thousands of people through alchemizing their obstacles into their offerings.
VIDEO 2: The Rising
Now you may be wondering, “How do I turn my life’s greatest challenges into my higher purpose?”
In episode two of the docuseries, Sahara Rose takes you through Dharma Coaching Institute’s proprietary step-by-step process in the Dharma Blueprint™, unpacking the 5 unique phases of your dharma, and unraveling parts of yourself so you can experience the truth of who you are. This will give you the key points that open the pathway to your purpose, and for you to help others do the same.
VIDEO 3: The Soaring
In this final episode of the series, Sahara discusses about how you can soar into the Golden Age of coaching that we’ve entered.
A new era has begun and it will impact careers and change how we are living. Learn how you can be a pioneer at the forefront of this new paradigm.
Plus, you’ll get an intimate look at how various Dharma Coaching Institute graduates have created thriving coaching careers, from one-on-one coaching to corporate wellness to retreats and beyond.
That very thing that you thought you’d never overcome is what you’re meant to help others through.
Meet Sahara Rose
Sahara Rose has been called “a leading voice in the millennial generation” by Deepak Chopra, who has written the forewords of her three books. She is the co-founder and visionary of Dharma Coaching Institute, host of the #1 spirituality podcast in the US, Highest Self, best-selling author, keynote speaker, international DJ and author. Sahara has created a career making her mess her message and in this series, Sahara shares her deepest initiation of life yet: her divorce. She shares how having the awareness of turning her pain into her purpose is what allowed her to be awake within the dream and transmute this challenge into the catalyst of her most expressed, liberated and abundant self yet.

Meet Dr. Neeta Bhushan

Dr. Neeta Bhushan, AKA “The Queen of Reinvention”, is a world-renowned emotional health educator, award-winning author, & host of her top-rated podcast The Brave Table. She bravely opens up and brings you back in time to more than a decade ago. After losing her mother, father and brother before the age of 19, and later spending years of losing herself in an abusive marriage, Neeta reclaimed her power, rediscovered her worth, and firmly decided to never let him strike her again. In the years to follow, she would step into the deepest healing and greatest expansion of her life. All of this came from three little words: “I need help”. Neeta’s story is one of how building grit and resilience through the harsh pain of loss, combined with saying “yes” to life, led her to living her wildest dreams.